Principles of Power System, Multicolor Edition : Including Generation, Transmission, Distribution, Switchgear and Protection

Author(s): V. K. Mehta & Rohit Mehta
Publisher: S. Chand Group, 2006
Edition: 4th, illustrated
Edition: 4th, illustrated
Format : pdf
Size: 10 MB
Pages: 608
Pages: 608
Quality : Very Good
OCR : Yes
Language : English
Keeping in view the desire of many of the book user to make the book attractive and colorful,this Multicolored IIIustrative Edition of the book has been published,we hope you will like it in its new format.In the Present edition,we have made sincere efforts to make the book up-to-date. A notable ffeature is the inclusion of chapter on Netural Grounding .A large number of practical problems are given to make the book more useful to the students.It is our hope that to you will enjoy reading this text and benefit from its content.After studying this book,it is hoped that you will have a good understanding of the ideas of power system and its application in many real world situations.
1. Introduction 2. Generating stations 3. Variable load on power stations 4. Economics power generation 5. Tariff 6. Power factor improvement 7. Supply systems 8. Mechanical design of overhead lines 9. Electrical desing of overhead lines 10. Performance of transmission lines 11. Underground cables 12. Distribution system general 13. D.C Distribution 14. A.C Distribution 15. Voltage control 16. Introduction to switchgear 17. Symmetrical fault calculations 18. Unsymmetrical fault calculations 19. Circuit breakers 20. Fuses 21. Protective relays 22. Protection of Alternators and transformers 23. Protection of busbars and lines 24. Protection againts overvoltages 25. Substations 26. Neutral Grounding
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