Thursday, March 15, 2012

GATE Percentile calculation in 3 simple steps

calculate your GATE  Percentile in 3 simple and easy steps.

Step 1
First check your All India Rank in GATE 2011. Your Rank will be provided with your test results.

Step 2
Secondly, check the total number of candidates appeared in your paper. This is also provided with the test results.

Step 3
Assign the information from the above two steps in the following equation

P= ((T-R) / T) x 100 
P=GATE 2011 Percentile,
T=Total number of candidates in your paper in GATE,
and R= your All India Rank in GATE 2011.

For example, If your All India Rank was 500 and the total number of candidates in your branch was 3000,
The equation will be like this:

P= ((3000-500) / 3000) x 100



So in the above example, your GATE 2011 Percentile is 83.3%


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